Re: Extract a number from text and multiply it to another column number
Hi @Mel Collis, I think this should help do what you're after: =IFERROR(VALUE(RIGHT([System Details - PV Size- Model (kWp)]@row, LEN([System Details - PV Size- Model (kWp)]@row) - FIND("=",…1 · -
Re: Looking for a formula to show the current status
For the former, you can do it with a simple COUNTIF addition: =IF(COUNTIF([PRE-RBM/BM Approval]@row:[Pre-Finance Accounts Approval]@row, "Rejected") >= 1, "Rejected", IF([PRE-R…1 · -
Re: Looking for a formula to show the current status
Hi @Joseph Aloysias, You can do this with a nested IF statement in the Status column: =IF([PRE-RBM/BM Approval]@row = "Submitted", "Waiting for RBM/BM Approval", IF([PRE-Sales Hea…1 · -
Re: Pull Data from Another Sheet based on Criteria
Use Smartsheet's inbuilt Automation to help you here - have the rows moved to your 2nd sheet when they are created with a workflow like this: Once you've run it once, you should then have the columns…1 · -
Re: How to construct a multi sheet tracking log?
Hi @Z.Win You can do this on a single sheet, with a second as a log if you so wish. Set up your sheet along the lines of: The Count column is a simple formula: =COUNTIF(Checkbox:Checkbox, 1) You can …1 ·